SighTs aNd souNds

SighTs aNd souNds
When music works in-sync with art,it gives rise to an ultimate dual performance that the stage itself has never ever seen even on the big screen:"DoubLe TeaM"

SeTTiNg tHe suPeR sceNe

SeTTiNg tHe suPeR sceNe
I am a sucker for the rock genre of music.I acquired a taste for it 9years ago,and since then i couldnt escape Electric city (life inside an electric guitar).Punk is my choice,but am down with alternative,gothic,hard and soft aspects too.As long as it is rock,it'll work.

Mad abouT MAD

Mad abouT MAD
MAD magazines have been my inspirational favorite since the beginning of time.I am a huge,avid hoarder who owns a library of this jocular magazine.Its a highly recommended collector's item and treasure trove.And its fully worth it,so dont live your life without it ;)


My arsenal of rock cds is still growing by the day and i dont see them stopping until they tile my entire floor,paper my four walls,make my bed sheets and curtains,then finally board the ceiling :)

Sunday, 21 November 2010

SoLdieR oF misFoRTuNe (two reaSoNs he cRies)

My friend Yusuf is a soldier and i dont mean this metaphorically.He was actually a soldier who passed out from the Nigerian Defence Academy successfully.He is now a naval officer somewhere out there in water world.In March this year,his mother passed away.It destroyed him so badly that he hadnt been himself for as long as i could remember.He could barely speak to me over the phone even though we were BFF's.He loved her so much and apparently he was her favorite son.
Eight months had passed since his mum died and he was finally recovering from the horrible ordeal.One night in November,i received a call from a friend at Dubai who told me that Yusuf's dad had passed away a week before.I was shocked,i didnt hear about this sad news until a week after.I just pictured how devastated he'd be then;i mean another shock right through his veins.I could only imagine the pain he was going through.This was just like opening a healing wound again.
I called Yusuf but he wouldnt pick up the phone.I sent him an sms but there was still no response.I wondered why,considering we were very close friends yet he still didnt feel like talking to me.Today.this guy is an orphan,but in my eyes he's a brave soldier who lost both parents within a span of nine months.The gestation period of a human baby inside its mother's belly.If he was married as at the time his mum had died he'd have had a child the same month his father passed away.It isnt any wonder he joined the academy.Now he's alone in this life fighting to struggle and hustle for a living,and his theme shines brightly in the sky "Every man for himself"

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