Its been a while since we heard or saw any one of the slithering serpents who used to lurk around the corners of our house.I believe they were inhabitants in this land long before we knew we would move from our former house.They were harmless,and that was the best thing about them cos on several occasions,we’d bump into them and they’d just hide or change direction minding their own business.For this reason,we never invaded their territory or cause any harm besides killing them when they slid into our domain.This was for our own safety even though they’d never hurt anyone ever since we moved in 1991.Last week,my younger brother was taking a walk out in the backyard when he suddenly heard something rustling in the leaves.He looked closely and found a serpent moving towards our section.It wasn’t a large or average one,rather it was small.Quickly,he called out to his fellow sibling,found the nearest stick and reached for an attack.The snake was quite cunning,it dodged the first strike while rushing towards the gate for an exit.But my brother managed to get the next strike and slow it down before finally laying down a series of combos to make sure the reptile was dead.Having done that,he lifted it up with the stick which he used to kill it and displayed his bravery at the outdoor kitchen before the household.Everyone cheered as the hero dumped the body in a drum to be burned alongside the trash for that day not forgetting to decapitate its head
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