As far back as i can remember,i grew up watching a lot of cartoons with awesome superheroes in them.It was the greatest part of being a kid for me cos i felt that someday i’d have the special powers or abilities that these unique beings had.Of course being a mischievious little kid,i enjoyed playing the role of a superhero but most of the time i ended up being a sinister villain cos for one reason or the other my brothers wouldn’t let me choose first.I owned a lot of comics and watched cartoons on a daily basis.I played with action figure toys when i felt like it but the best part was acting it in real life with my younger ones and friends.I liked Superman for the fact that his powers were highly overrated and always won over an argument on who the strongest was.I didn’t fancy Spiderman that much considering he seemed pretty much too smart for the enemies most of the time and also because he reminded me of arachnophobia.Hulk and the rest of the crew didn’t really prevail on my list,however i liked drawing them a lot.But the hero i loved the most was Batman and i don’t really have a very genuine answer to provide if the question of “why” popped.He was just so dark,unique and armed.His gadgets and gizmos made me drool when he was in action.The shape of his cape was very peculiar and the fact that he didn’t really fly made him kind of special.I like the way he glides from the rooftops of Gotham City.Well,Batman is an awesome hero believe it or not and his foes are “despicably” cool.I have a friend who once had this “all-black” ride which i happened to name the BatMobile,and because of this i called him Batman.Another friend of mine happened to love the dark character “Joker” for some creepy reason so i named him The Joker.Though my style of drawing’s not that much inclined towards the muscular figure drawing of these superheroes am still and will always be a huge fan.Who knows perhaps a little more time focusing on them may bring about the flair to produce something of that nature on paper just like DC and Marvel comics do.Call me crazy but i’ve got this super glow-in-the-dark Batman tee shirt that a friend bought me as a present a couple of years ago and i still don’t wanna outgrow it.I don’t know but somehow it just makes me feel super on the inside especially when it glows.I feel some sort of super powers are being unleashed from it.This being said,my vendor back at school had come across an ultimate guide book,a Batman collector’s item plus a broad look into the Dark Knight.We kind of lost touch as i’d changed my phone number but he reserved it for me even though he never thought he’d see me again.I was on campus over the week to pursue something and on my exit,i bumped into him.After going through a series of books he had purchased,nothing looked appealing.But just as i turned around to head out,he passed me a large heavy book with a very catchy Batman figure posing on the cover.”here you go” he said “i saved this for you several weeks back,hoping you’d come for it someday” i was speechless for a moment.My pupils dilated and my mouth was agape.I couldn’t believe that i was actually holding this book in my hands.This is something any fan would kill to have and i got it straight from the shelf without even stretching out.This is truly a treasure trove and as the name goes,I will treasure it forever.I won’t be a lender and i’ll turn my back on every borrower that approaches me.A massive addition to my sacred library
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